Here are some downloads and links of interest pertaining to LBCTV and the Long Branch Cable TV Commission.
City of Long Branch website
LBCTV Bulletin Board (web version)
2011 Long Branch Cable TV Commission budget/proposed 2012 budget
City Ordinances - Long Branch Cable TV Commission (2 pages) and 1994 municipal cable TV contract renewal (11 pages)
City Ordinance #1-11 - 2011 municipal cable TV contract renewal (6 pages)
Application for Basic Cable TV discount for Senior Citizens
Rules of Practice & Procedures of the Office of Cable Television
NJ Board of Public Utilities - Filing Complaints
Alliance for Community Media
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
Alliance for Public Technology
New Jersey League of Municipalities
National Association of Broadcasters
Thomas Legislative Information
National Telecommunications & Information Administration
Federal Communications Commission
FCC's Digital Television (DTV) website
(Please note: The advertisements listed on this website do not constitute an endorsement for use by The Long Branch Cable TV Commission. They appear here as a requirement by for their free web hosting service.)